Building Department Permit Technicians

Set up projects for successful outcomes
Find the additional permit technicians your municipality needs to keep up with current demand. Whether you need short-term, on-call, or long-term consistent coverage, we have the local staff to prevent backlog and to streamline processes.
SPEAK TO AN EXPERTPermit Technician Services
On-call permit technicians
If you have a permit technician heading out for vacation or a temporary leave, our on-call Permit Technicians can step in to fill the gap. We’re also here if you need immediate support following a natural disaster or other sudden event.
Daily permit technicians to address backlog needs
Have a backlog of permits that you need to work through? Our team can step into your department for as long as it takes to get you back up to speed.
Long-term permit technicians
Whether you have budget constraints or are struggling to find a qualified, full-time technician, we offer consistent coverage for your building department for as long as you need.

Advantages of third-party permitting
We know that permit technicians are often the first point of contact in your community, so their knowledge of local codes and professionalism is paramount.
You will be provided with a team that:
- Fully understands your local regulations
- Mitigates the challenges your department faces
- Focuses on the highest levels of community satisfaction
- Improves internal process

Tap into the benefits of electronic permitting
Our GovEasy™ software suite is designed to centralize local government administrative functions and provide a secure, wireless platform and mobile environment to field employees.
That means that the permit, plan review, and inspection status for all of your projects is always easily accessible and up to date.
See our Building Department Services in action