Projects Wilton Drive Conceptual Streetscape Design
The conceptual design for this project sought to capitalize on several opportunities to:
- rethinking Wilton Drive’s role in the community,
- giving it a new vision while respecting its small-town character, and
- turning it into a significant destination and elevate its design offerings with better branding.
In order to meet this vision, CGA’s approach was to develop a design that fundamentally sought to highlight ‘place-making’ and social character. While an understanding of the traffic engineering constraints was important, our belief was that it should not be the sole driving force behind the design, and the project should be about more than just making the corridor visually attractive. Therefore, our approach:
- encouraged local community identity over generic design solutions; instead it strategized ways to create places that responded to needs of the residents and helped with community cohesion;
- remained socially connected by understanding that Wilton Drive was not just a roadway, but rather a spine at the social heart and the cultural center of the City. It focused on how people could use the space for everyday activities and for special events, how it could be flexible and adaptable, and how it interacted with adjacent areas to encourage walkability, ease of access and comfort;
- improved the longer-term “livability”, management and maintenance of the built streetscape environment, including all aspects of its ‘public realm’, to ensure spaces can remain relevant, clean, safe and green;
- contributed to the achievement of sustainable development by integrating ‘green’ stormwater systems, respected historic context, capitalized on resources, and responded to needs of adaptability; and
- delivered value, focused on a design process that was shaped around issues of quality, efficiency and overall sustainability.