Projects Surfside Corridor Analysis
The Town of Surfside noticed high interest in redevelopment of the corridor between Collins and Harding Avenues. In an effort to stay ahead of the new construction, there was interest to prepare criteria to help guide future development into the desired development pattern. CGA prepared an analysis and zoning criteria which included the following:
- Preparation of new zoning criteria and comparison of existing conditions
- A review of green book traffic engineering standards as well as Miami-Dade County and FDOT as it relates to mid-block accessibility, walkways, pedestrian activity
- Impacts to existing buildings and strategies for potential non-conformities such as if there is a modification to an existing building, under what circumstances would the entire development need to be brought up to the proposed code
- Consistency of new criteria with comprehensive plan
- Consistency of new criteria with other sections of the zoning code such as off-street parking, signs, accessory structures, conditional uses, landscaping
- Requirements for open space in terms of landscaping, public space
- Coordination with legal in terms of vested rights, reduced density or intensity resulting from new zoning criteria
- Design criteria for pedestrian walkways