Projects Estero Building Department
The recently incorporated Village of Estero encompasses 20 sq. miles in Lee County which is on the southwest coast of Florida, and is home to nearly 35,000 residents. When the Village decided to incorporate and establish its own government separate from the County, they published an RFP for Building Code and other municipal services. In an unanimous vote, the Village Council awarded CGA the Comprehensive Building Code, Planning, Code Compliance, and IT services.
Beginning in the fourth quarter of 2015, CGA has acted as the Village’s total turn-key building code services provider including permit application and fee intake. The entire process has been automated by CGA’s internal software, which allows citizens and contractors to access information via the web including, permit status, schedule inspections and even make secure payments. This automated system along with CGA’s ability to fluctuate staffing levels to match the workload, has resulted in a positive solution for the Village of Estero.