Projects 92nd Street Park
As a component of the Town-wide parks and open space master plan discussions moderated by CGA, an under-utilized parking lot was converted to a park space. The program for the park included an open green lawn area that could serve for multiple functions and a dedicated dog run area. Under a very tight and demanding schedule, CGA designed, permitted and provided construction administration services for the entirety of the park. At its core, the park design sought to establish an urban relationship with its surrounding walk-to context. The design provides an urban plaza that is open and accessible at all times, in addition to the multi-use field and dog areas, which are only open during daytime hours. The design was articulated to provide as much space as users can personalize with various seating options to facilitate visitors’ use of the facilities, as well as exercise equipment, doggie agility equipment, water fountains, solar-powered lighting and ample use of shade.